Last Day of Camp

Tomorrow is competition day at camp so it will be all systems go all day. The running order and dressage times will be up here as soon as possible but camp is starting at 9.00am and you may have to be ready to ride at 9.00am so please check your number and dressage times here. Collect your numbers from the tent in the morning and don’t forget to bring your number bibs if you are going out on the XC course. If you haven’t a number bib they can be bought from Mount Usher or Boswell or for the younger ones bring along 8 safety pins and pin them on. You will also need you XC scull cap, stock and medical armband. Becasue the weather is hot you don’t need to wear show jackets for dressage. Your ponies should be plaited but we do not want to see how well your parents can plait it must be your own work. Please bring extra drinks tomorrow as the marquee will be closed. More info here asap