Results from cork

Well done to our 2 seniors and 8 juniors who flew the flag for Wicklow Pony Club at a rain soaked Ballindenisk – Kevin and Niamh took 8th in the senior pairs, Liam and Jesse and Mily and Shona flew around but were unlucky to hit 1 of the 2 knockables, Sean came a cropper at fence 9 the bogey fence of the day which was heartbreaking as he and Robert had both cleared the wretched knockables, Lillian and Cian our youngest pair were out near the end of the competition when the going was truly awful and did a great round picking up a few penalties but setting down a marker for their next few years as juniors, they also won the turnout prize for which they deserve a huge pat on the back (and Mary!) there was mud everywhere and it was amazing to see them so clean at tack inspection. Thank you Thank you Thank you to the wonderful parents for driving all that way (over 3 hours each way) helping tack untack tying stocks grooming ponies walking courses buying pizza (which was delicious) washing ponies loading ponies – Noni Law left her yard about 5.30 Saturday morning and didn’t get home until after 6 – even through the mud and rain everyone was in great form and a credit to the club – role on next year.