Times for Camp ODE

The schedule for tomorrow’s One Day Event has been re-arranged slightly so please check your group times for dressage and showjumping. Please be on the field at 9:00 tomorrow and be ready for tack inspection and warm-up  approximately 15 minutes before your first group time. Don’t forget to bring your number bibs, stocks and medical armbands. We hope to start the cross-country at 1:00 so we need to get through the dressage and show-jumping as quickly as possible.

Fence stewards were pulled from each group at random so please check if your family name is on the list and if you cannot mark the fence please get somebody else from the group to do it. The competition cannot start until all fences are manned.

Numbers for each group are available here.

There will be obedient pony, derby, showjumping and Fancy Dress for Orla, Roisín and Lisa’s groups so those groups can meet up with their instructors as usual tomorrow.

There will be a stall selling crepes on the field tomorrow for parents who want a break from making lunch.

Can all parents please report to the tent after cross country tomorrow we would like to start the camp clean-up before prize-giving as this will save having to get everybody back on Saturday.

Hope you all had a great week.