Thank you to everyone for paying up and giving us your camp forms. We can now confirm instructors and do up camp time tables over the coming week in time for 8 July. Paul and Alan will be hard at work next Saturday 6 July from 10 am in the camp field and as always would be glad of help.
Safety is our main priority during camp week. We ask parents to support us on this. In particular the rule on back protectors must and will be enforced. Anyone found jumping without an approved level 3 back protector on will be suspended from camp for the remainder of the week. This is to protect your children. We wont enjoy enforcing this rule but we will enforce it and you have been warned. Again parents must help police this. We don’t have eyes in the back of our heads and we cant be at the side of every jumping arena.
If you would like to leave your pony overnight during camp please contact Barbera Wilding 087 2429093. Ponies must have their back shoes off and Conal Gallagher will have one of his Farriers at camp about 3pm on Monday if anyone need shoes removed.
During camp we would like riders to be neatly turned out with shirt tie cream or white jodhpurs clean boots and tack. To help with laundry washing you can wear dark coloured jods Tuesday to Thursday. Friday is competition day so on that day you must wear your cream or white jods.
We are planning our 40th Party/BBQ/Disco/Jazz Band/Orchestra/Chocolate Fountain/Oyster Bar for Wednesday night at about 6 – RAIN STAY AWAY!
An army marches on its stomach! Mary Gallagher is kindly taking charge of feeding instructors during camp week and if you can help at all please let her know.
Anyone who has any questions please call Dervla or anyone on the committee. There is a lot to remember. Our Web Site and the Irish Pony Club web is a useful place to check rules on tack, dates of qualifiers, eligibility, test levels and much more.
Please let Dervla have your details if you want to enter Tats Event on 7 July – entries have to be in by 12 on Monday.
Thank you to everyone who has helped out so far especially Niall Byrne who has spent hours toiling away unpaid in the camp field even though he is not doing camp this year though there is a rumor that he is secretly training for a spectacular come back at the Tetrathlon week end in August!!!