Thank you to all those who have signed up for Camp 2014 by the closing date of 28 May. We have extended the registration date to Friday 6 June to allow for any late comers. If you plan on coming to camp please go on line and register as soon as possible so we can get on with the difficult job of putting riders into suitable groups. Paul and Alan will be hard at work from now til July getting the field ready. If any body has time and muscles to spare they are always glad of any help you can text Alan on 086 250765. We look forward to seeing our new members on Friday 6 June in Bel Air at 6.30 pm. Our 3 rally nights are Fridays 13, 17 and 24 June from 6.30 in Wildings Ashford (camp field).
An Army marches on its stomach! Mary Gallagher spends the week of camp in the Marquee working to keep the instructors fed and happy. She needs volunteers to help out. Please text Dervla your name if you can help out so we can draw up a roster.
After the success of last year we are hoping to make this year even more fun – ideas so far – team chase on last day in place of the one day event – inter ride jumping competition on Wednesday afternoon – the return of the challenge competition -bouncy castle – chocolate fountain – BBQ disco on Thursday night – bare back trotting race on Tuesday morning – inter ride “who wants to be a millionaire” quiz Monday afternoon – let us know if you have any more ideas – all reasonably safe suggestions will be considered !