Reminder to text your name and Rally 3 to pc mobile if you are coming to rally this Friday. Technology is not perfect so if for any reason the text doesn’t send please also text Dervla 086 8131645 or Janet 086 8511233. On arrival please tack up and go with your pony to the arena on the right as you come in the gate and we will get the instructors to collect their rides from that arena.
Second hand tack shop is still looking for a volunteer to get it up and running. It would be great and a real asset to all if there was somewhere to buy or sell on outgrown tack – back protectors cost a lot new but are very hard wearing so have a great second hand value as do show jackets.
Well done to Caoimhe Andrews for coming second in Dromiskin at the weekend. There are events every weekend between now and the end of summer so let Dervla know if you are interested.