We are now at the start of a very busy time for Pony Club with events every weekend starting with the Fun Minimus on 28th April then the Under 10s ride-out in Bel Air on 4th May, the Robbie Bailey and John Leddingham Show-jumping team selection leagues every Saturday in May, the New Members Rally in Bel Air on 31st May, the Minimus Championships on 8th & 9th June, Rallies on 14th, 21st and 28th June and Camp from 8th to 12th July. All information will be on the website so please keep checking back regularly.
If you intend to renew your membership for 2013 but haven’t done it yet please do so now. Membership and Camp fees must be paid by the end of May to guarantee a place at camp. If you do not intend to rejoin would you please send an email or text so that we can stop sending you text messages.