Hi All
We are making a huge drive to move the pony cub to on line for as much as possible of our competition entries, membership and camp. PLEASE make our Christmas Show simpler for all those involved in the organisation by going on line before Sunday and entering. Classes are as follows:
10 am sharp cross poles/ lead rein – this is usually a very small class so those planning to do mini please be there about 10.30.
Minus mini – 50 to 60 cms
Mini – 60 to 70 cms
Midi – 70 to 80 cms
Maxi – 80 to 90 cms
Super Maxi – 90 to 1 metre
At the end of the day we will hold a major and minor competition so please stay and support.
Have a great Christmas Day and happy hunting to all those going out on Stephens Day. The Bray Hunt have invited us to join them on their children’s hunt at Glendalough House on Monday 29 December – lead rein welcome if leaders are fit!
As soon as you have recovered from the Christmas hols we will be kicking off with our test training for 2015. Pam will be in charge of those wishing to do their C Plus which will be at Easter. Emer is in charge of the B test preparations which will be kicking off in February. Please also let us know if you have any one ready for their C test so we can set up training with Sandra McCrachen.