One day event qualifiers will be starting shortly. To qualify for a place on a team at the Horse Trial championships on 15th and 16th August you must go to at least 2 qualifiers and get 1 clear x-country round and no more than 20 penalties at the second. Most clubs are now using the online entry system which means that everybody is responsible for getting their own entry in on time. Usually entries close about a week before the event so you need to make sure to check the flyer for each event and find out how and when to enter. If you are new to eventing information will be available at the new members rally and the parent’s information evening as well as on our cross-country page. All the rules and details of entry requirements are on the IPC Eventing page.
The first 3 events near here are on Sunday 21st June at Dromiskin Co. Louth and Bunclody Co. Wexford and 28th June in Kilossary Co. Meath.
Entries for Bunclody must be in by tomorrow 13th June and online entries for Dromiskin close next Tuesday 16th June. Please don’t miss these deadlines as these are popular events and they are unlikely to take any late entries. Full list of qualifier dates