Dear All,
We are so looking forward to welcoming everyone to pony club summer camp next week. A big thanks to all the committee who have worked so hard getting us to this point. We hope you have a great week, that new friendships are formed and memories made.
Camp will be from 10am to 3.30 on Monday and then 9.30 to 3.30 Tuesday to Friday.
We would like to remind all members to ensure that they adhere to IPC guidelines regarding social distancing for themselves and their children.
I have outlined the social distancing guidelines below along with a list of safe practises for the week ahead. Please read carefully so that we know what is expected of us to ensure it is a fun and safe week for all.
- There must be at least 5 metres between each vehicle in the parking area?
- There must be 2 meters between you and other people not in the same family unit
- Everyone must bring their own foldable chair for stable management sessions. Stable management sessions will take place under the canopy at the cabin.
- No sharing of equipment.
- No food can be supplied this year, therefore snacks need to be brought to the arena in the morning for mid morning break.
- It is vital that kids are supervised by parents/guardians at lunch time. When congregating for lunch please ensure that social distance is maintained. No football games or contact games please.
- It is vital that we are compliant in all areas of IPC guidelines including social distancing as failure to comply may result in the suspension of camp and any further activities.
- There will be a number of COVID-19 Compliance Officers on-site throughout the week, please get in touch with any of them if you have any questions/concerns.The compliance officers are Bria Speakman, Emily Morrissey, Lorraine Mannion, Niamh Cherry, Ed Cherry.
- there will be no bins on site this year so please bring all rubbish home.
- There will be portaloos on site. Please bring your own hand sanitizers
- For anyone that has mentioned they would like to leave their pony onsite at night please contact me directly.
The gate will be locked one hour after camp commences in the morning. This is to ensure that there is no unaccounted or unauthorised entry. There will be a number on the gate to call should someone require access.
We are aware that the above procedures are restrictive but they have been made in the best interests of all our members.
Wishing you all a fab week and lets hope the sun shines.
Kind regards