Our Show Jumping Team Selection League starts Wednesday 4th, 11th and 18th May in Boswell at 6pm sharp. Entries are online and are now open.
There will be three classes – In the top arena – New this year – is U12’s Alice Mernagh Cup. This is a competition for a team of four competitors over 8years of age and under 12 on 1st January 2016. All competitors must be of a D+ standard. First 2 rounds max height 75cm with a double in 2nd round. Members may only compete in one Show Jumping competition. If you have competed in Robbie Bailey area qualifier last year you are not eligibile for U12’s class. Full rules can be found on IPC website under downloads Show Jumping.
Robbie Bailey and John Ledingham will be in main arena. Please ensure that membership is renewed and that hat complies with new hat standards.