Well done to everybody who took part in the 2nd day of jumping in our Spring League on Sunday 22nd February in Spruce Lodge and congratulations to all the prizewinners.
The Final will be on Sunday 8th March. Classes from Lead Rein to Super-Maxi. Anybody who has jumped on either the 8th or 22nd Feb is eligible for the league and there will also be classes on the day. Entries should be made online if at all possible. To encourage online entries the cost is €10 (no credit card fee) entries on the day will be €12.
Check out your league points here
The scoring for the league has changed slightly this year you get 1 point for taking part, 3 for a clear 1st round and 1 for a clear 2nd round you also get points for placings 1 for 6th, 2 for 5th etc. up to 6 for 1st so the maximum points on any day is 11. Your league points are the better of your 2 scores and then your score on the day is added to that to give the league placing (in the event of a tie the person who does better on the day wins). If you have points in more than one class you can enter all the classes and be eligible for prizes on the day but you can only declare for 1 of the league classes and you must tell us at entry time which class you are declaring for. You can change your mind before the competition starts but once the first horse has jumped it is too late to declare for that class. If you only have points in 1 class you will be autmatically declared for that class.