Main Arena
10:00 am Mini (Tonto) 60 – 70 cms followed by Midi 70 – 80 cms followed by Maxi 80 – 90 cms followed by Super-Maxi 90 – 100 cms
3:00 pm (approx) Galligan shield teams of 4 jumping
Top Arena
10:00 am Lead Rein/Cross poles followed by Minus Mini/Dodd Cup 50 – 60 cms
Grass Arena
11:00 am to 1:00 pm (approx) Obedient Pony – individual tests – class will be split into over and under 12 but you can do your test when it suits you
1:00 pm to 2.30 pm approx – Under 12s Style and Appearance followed by over 12’s Style and Appearance
2.30 pm Fancy Dress
You don’t have to have jumped at any of the league nights to come along to the Summer Show but if you have points in any of the leagues check them here. The highlighted ones are those who have points in only 1 league so will be automatically declared for that league. Anybody with points in more than 1 league needs to declare at entry which league they are jumping in. Of course you can jump in more than 1 class but can only declare for 1 league.